
Monday, 16 December 2019

Day 1 Activity 2

My cultures

1 comment:

  1. Talofa lava Reece,

    Happy New Year! I’m really excited to be back to comment on your blog posts. What have you been up to during the holidays so far? So far I have been lucky enough to have a nice holiday at Lake Rotoiti and in Tauranga with my whanau.

    I am super impressed with your blog post! I think it is so cool that you are Samoan and Maori, can you speak any of the languages? I love the way you have set out your blog post with the speech bubbles and colours and pictures, ka pai! I have never eaten Kina but I have always wanted to try it, have you tried it before?

    You are doing an awesome job completing the activities Reece, well done! :)



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