
Wednesday, 30 December 2020

Tastes of Summer

 This is my screencastify about tastes of summer in our family. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Mōrena Reece,

    My name is Fiona and I'm from the Summer Learning Journey. You have done an awesome job completing the tastes of summer activity - ka pai! Your video made my tummy rumble! I really like how you have described your favourite foods by using descriptive adjectives in your callouts like rich, gooey, golden and crunchy - excellent writing!

    Give yourself a pat on the back for really stepping it up and putting in extra effort with this activity. I am definitely marking this as a standout blog post which means you will receive BONUS POINTS!

    Out of all the foods in your video, I think my favourite would be the fresh, fruity, pineapple pies - delicious! In my culture we make a lot of our own pasta and my favourite is ravioli. Have you tried ravioli before?

    Keep up the awesome mahi, Reece!

    Mā te wā,



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